Saturday, September 26, 2015

Marks of punishment on his back

One thing I hadn't looked at was George Faulkner's gaol admission record from when he was arrested in 1872 and imprisoned in Goulburn Gaol. But someone else did, and they put in on

In the Remarks column there's a description of his distinguishing features:

"Right lower eyelid of ----- nose. Short scar over right eye and scar under right eye. Marks of punishment on his back. Back much curved. Scar on left wrist."

The marks of punishment were presumably from when he was flogged in Newcastle almost 50 years before, for stealing coal from the mines. Twenty-five lashes.

He was 70 when he was admitted to Goulburn Gaol and had shrunk from his original five feet, three and a half inches to just five feet. His complexion was still "Fresh".

The Education column records that he could read and write.